Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hey ppl...

Wanna know how a goose strikes?

Well let me tell you how my two geese "strike" my dogs.

Let me tell you a story.

Once, when i was feeding my dogs, these geese just came along. Their size were smaller than my 3 dogs but now, their size are like my dog size. (same height)

Is like a super WOW!!! they grew so fast in 1 month.

So, when i was feeding the dogs, these geeese, 1 male another is female strike them!!!

First, they lifted up their head high.
Then, open up their wings.
Lastly, lower down their head near to the ground.

When i see this. I burst out into laughter.

I mean it is just like an aeroplane (Pui Kee) trying to land down.

Hahaha... u know what happen next?

My dogs run away from them as fast as possible cause it really looks like a plane in danger... hahaha...

hope u enjoy this "not funny" but so called "funny" story.

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